Change to Outpatient Place of Service Codes

Medicare recently announced a planned change to how providers report service locations for outpatient hospi- tals. Originally, providers would report place of service code 22 to represent any services done in the outpatient hospital setting. However, effective January 1st, 2016, code 22 will be redefined to only include “On campus out- patient hospital” services. Medicare has added a new place of service code, 19, to represent “Off campus outpa- tient hospital” services.

The full definitions of the new place of service indicate that code 22 should be used for the hospital’s main cam- pus, while services done at any satellite campuses would fall under code 19. If you provide any services at such a satellite campus, please indicate this on the charge information sent to HCA so we can apply the proper place of service code and prevent any unnecessary denials.

Brandon McCurdy