Common Podiatry ICD-10 Codes

The ICD-10 deadline is now only three months away. While many ICD-9 codes such as fractures have been greatly expanded to include new levels of specificity, many diagnoses have only been expanded to include loca- tion, and some still only have one code. For example, let us review some common podiatry codes.

Limb Pain (729.5) M79.671 = right foot pain M79.672 = left foot pain M79.674 = right toe pain M79.675 = left toe pain

Onychomycosis (110.1) B35.1

Ingrown Nail (703.0) L60.0

Plantar Fasciitis (728.71) M72.2

Calcaneal spur (726.73) M77.31 = right
M77.32 = left

Hammertoe (735.4) M20.41 = right M20.42 = left

Hallux Valgus (735.0) M20.11 = right M20.12 = left

Tailors Bunion (727.1)
Use Hallux Valgus codes above

Brandon McCurdy